#lovewestnorfolk Day is coming back

#lovewestnorfolk Day is coming back in 2020 and organisers are keen to involve even more people and organisations in the celebration of West Norfolk.

Taking place on 14th February 2020, the third #lovewestnorfolk Day will provide an opportunity to promote and celebrate all that West Norfolk has to offer.

In the pipeline is a range of online activities on the day, including a social media takeover by organisations operating in the area.

In addition, Love West Norfolk organisers will shortly be making available resources and ideas for how individuals, groups, companies, and schools can join in. But one of the easiest ways in which people can get involved is by sharing posts on social media on the day using the hashtag #lovewestnorfolk.

And, the team behind the campaign is keen to hear from the public and any ideas that organisations and individuals have to get involved and shout loudly and proudly about West Norfolk.

Plans for the next #lovewestnorfolk Day were announced with the College of West Anglia creative arts students who will be supporting the day with activities and ideas. David Pomfret, Principal and Chief Executive of the College of West Anglia said:

“Love West Norfolk Day gives us an opportunity to stop and celebrate all that this special part of the world has to offer.”

“West Norfolk has something for everyone – countryside, coast, heritage, culture, and warm, friendly people.  And not least, this is a great place to learn and grow.”

“I would encourage everyone to join in with Love West Norfolk Day and help us to promote and celebrate this fantastic place.”

The first Love West Norfolk Day was held in 2018 and saw online involvement from people as far away as Wales and the Midlands.

The Love West Norfolk campaign was launched in 2018 on behalf of the West Norfolk Strategy Group partners – the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, the College of West Anglia, Freebridge Community Housing, the QEH Hospital, King’s Lynn Police, Community Action Norfolk, Norfolk County Council, and West Norfolk CCG.

Find out more about the campaign and #lovewestnorfolk Day by following the social media channels:

Love West Norfolk? Share Your Ideas to Promote West Norfolk

We #lovewestnorfolk is the message coming loud and clear from people who live, work, visit, play, invest, and learn in West Norfolk.

Over the last year, even more people have got involved in the Love West Norfolk campaign which has been designed to promote and celebrate everything West Norfolk.

The campaign launched in 2018 with support from Stephen Fry, Ruddy Muddy, and Tim Bentinck aka David Archer in The Archers, amongst other well-known faces. Since then, hundreds of people have joined in the campaign, sharing why they #lovewestnorfolk.

In the last year, campaign highlights have included:

  • The second ever #lovewestnorfolk Day, taking place on 14th February with individuals and organisations sharing just why they think West Norfolk is so special. This year the Norfolk Community Foundation, Norfolk Hospice, Lynxbus and Norfolk County Council Norfolk Trails were just some of the new organisations taking part in the day.
  • The Love West Norfolk Champions scheme, with 15 inspiring individuals named as Champions for what they are doing to promote West Norfolk and make a difference in the local area. What made their appointment even more special was that all the Champions were chosen from nominations by the general public.
  • The Reasons to Love West Norfolk scheme, through which local organisations can join the campaign by signing the Commitment to West Norfolk. The scheme is aimed at any size of organisation in West Norfolk and ‘Reasons’ which have signed the Commitment include Ward Gethin Archer, Norfolk Chambers of Commerce, Energise Spa at Pentney, and Lamb Social Media.
  • And, Perfect West Norfolk Days, submitted by members of the public and shared by Love West Norfolk this summer to inspire people to get out and about in West Norfolk.

The campaign is busy too on social media with people sharing their pictures of West Norfolk or simply getting involved by using the hashtag #lovewestnorfolk.

Love West Norfolk has been developed by the West Norfolk Strategy Group, the partners in which include the Borough Council, Freebridge Community Housing, the College of West Anglia, Norfolk County Council, the QEH, the CCG, King’s Lynn Police, and Community Action Norfolk.

Strategy Group Chair and Freebridge Community Housing Chief Executive Tony Hall said: “We are thrilled that so many people have joined in with the Love West Norfolk campaign with such enthusiasm. This clearly shows just how much the area means to people.

“West Norfolk has so much to offer, as demonstrated by the hundreds of reasons why people have shared as to why they love West Norfolk.

“It’s great to see so much involvement in the campaign, not least seeing the distinctive heart logo displayed proudly by businesses and individuals. We are so grateful for the support of West Norfolk.”

Now, campaign organisers are keen to provide further opportunities for people to get involved with Love West Norfolk and let even more people know just what a great place West Norfolk is.

Over the next few months, the people behind the campaign will be meeting with the Love West Norfolk Champions and partners in the Strategy Group to come up with ideas to make the campaign even more engaging. And, they are also keen to hear from members of the public as Tony Hall explained:

“Love West Norfolk has always been about promoting and celebrating the area for West Norfolk and by the people of West Norfolk. And that’s why we would love to hear ideas from anyone about how we can make an even bigger impact with the campaign.

“What opportunities are there for us to promote the area? Let us have your ideas and we will consider these as part of our plan. And, we are keen too to hear from anyone who would be interested in helping us to develop our ideas so that more people can join in the campaign.”

* Anyone wishing to contribute an idea can do so via the Love West Norfolk website or via the social media channels:

Please let Love West Norfolk have all your ideas by Monday 7th October 2019.

Let’s Shout Loudly and Proudly on #lovewestnorfolk Day

The second #lovewestnorfolk Day will take place, once again, on Valentine’s Day and people are being encouraged to shout loudly and proudly about West Norfolk.

And getting involved in #lovewestnorfolk day couldn’t be easier:

  • Join in online on 14 February, tweeting about why you #lovewestnorfolk You can share your thoughts, pictures and film. If you’re a business, organisation, team or school, why not shout about what you do? You can also share posts and pictures on Facebook and Instagram too. And don’t forget to use the hashtag #lovewestnorfolk.
  • Why not use the Love West Norfolk ‘selfie’ sign to take a picture and share why you #lovewestnorfolk?
  • If you’re a business and haven’t done so already, #lovewestnorfolk is the perfect day to sign the Commitment to West Norfolk and become a Reason to Love West Norfolk.
  • Or, why not even hold your own #lovewestnorfolk day celebrations and invite your employees and customers to share just why they #lovewestnorfolk. You could complete your celebrations with locally produced food and drink!

Last year, #lovewestnorfolk Day saw people getting involved from a far afield as Wales and the Midlands and organisers behind the Love West Norfolk campaign are hoping to have a big reach this year too.

Anyone wanting any more information or #lovewestnorfolk materials can get in touch by the social media accounts:

You can get in touch via social media too for a commitment, badges, stickers, or a selfie sign.

West Norfolk’s Village Gems

Top Ten Reasons to Live West Norfolk

Exciting Plans for Love West Norfolk

People, organisations and companies in West Norfolk will have greater opportunity to show they Love West Norfolk as exciting plans for phase two of the campaign are announced.

Following on from the success of phase one, businesses, shops, schools, charities and voluntary groups, amongst others, will soon be able to sign up to the campaign through a commitment to Love West Norfolk. A new toolkit will also be made available to help organisations to get actively involved in the campaign.

West Norfolk will also have the chance to recognise those individuals who are making a difference in and for the area when the Love West Norfolk Champions scheme opens later this year. Members of the public will be able to nominate potential champions who will be chosen by a judging panel.

David Pomfret, Principal of the College of West Anglia said: “The response to phase one was overwhelming and the message was very clear: we love West Norfolk.

“Now we want to shout about West Norfolk even more, and let people know regionally and nationally just how special this area is.”

Councillor Amanda Bosworth, Mayor of Hunstanton said:

“I am delighted that Hunstanton has been chosen to launch phase two of Love West Norfolk, particularly as our traditional market town epitomises everything that the coast has to offer. We are always happy to share what it is that we love most about living here, enjoying a laid-back lifestyle that encompasses a wide choice of activities in the contrasting settings of sand and sea or manicured gardens, all set against a backdrop of expansive skies and magnificent sunsets.”

Phase two of the campaign will see activities based around six themes which have been identified as the priority areas of focus. They are:

  • Live West Norfolk;
  • Work West Norfolk;
  • Learn West Norfolk;
  • Play West Norfolk;
  • Visit West Norfolk;
  • Invest West Norfolk.

There will be promotional and engagement activities for each of these themes, such as social media activities, case studies, giveaways and events.

The campaign will also see the relaunch of the Love West Norfolk website as a ‘one-stop shop’ for promoting the area and for signposting to resources and information within West Norfolk.

Further details of the specific activities will be announced as they are launched. In the meantime, anyone wishing to get involved can visit Twitter: @LoveWestNorfolk, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoveWestNorfolk/ Instagram: love_west_norfolk or get in touch via the campaign website www.lovewestnorfolk.co.uk

We Love West Norfolk

‘We Love West Norfolk’ is the message coming loud and clear from West Norfolk people and businesses.

Organisers behind Love West Norfolk, which was launched in January to celebrate everything West Norfolk has to offer, say that they have been ‘overwhelmed’ with love for the area since the campaign launched.

Councillor Brian Long, Leader of the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk and one of the partners behind the campaign said: “The response to this campaign has been astonishing.  It has been great capturing people’s positive thoughts and comments and makes a change to the usual grumbles we hear and see.  This area has so much going for it, and clearly the people who live and work here know and appreciate what they have right on their doorstep.  It makes me feel very proud to be a west Norfolk resident.”

The campaign, easily identifiable by the distinctive heart logo, began in January with a launch supported by local MPs Sir Henry Bellingham and Elizabeth Truss. Since then, many people have got involved, including Stephen Fry who shared a quote which was turned into artwork by ‘grime artist’ Ruddy Muddy.

Other well known faces getting behind Love West Norfolk have included the former High Sheriff of Norfolk James Bagge, Wayne and Gerardine Hemingway, Tim Bentinck aka David Archer of The Archers, The Bishop of Lynn, The Rt Revd. Jonathan Meyrick, Robin Brundle and Buster Chapman.

Campaign organisers are also hugely grateful for the support from local media who have backed Love West Norfolk from the very beginning.

Other highlights of the campaign have included the community events in Downham Market, Hunstanton and King’s Lynn, which were supported by Downham Market and Hunstanton town councils, and the Vancouver Quarter.  During the events, local people and businesses shared what makes West Norfolk so special to them.

A schools’ event also took place, in partnership with 7 Billion Ideas, an internationally known ideas company. During the inspiring and engaging day, year six, seven and eight students came up with world-changing ideas for West Norfolk.

The ‘selfie’ sign has become synonymous with the campaign, and many local organisations have shared what they love about West Norfolk via the signs. This has included Bespak, Adrian Flux, Goldings, the Bank House, the Duke’s Head, and West Norfolk libraries who have all lent their support to the campaign.

And, West Norfolk got to celebrate the very first #lovewestnorfolk day, when individuals and businesses took to social media to celebrate West Norfolk. During the day, people shared why they love West Norfolk and the campaign reached as far as Wales and the Midlands!

Tony Hall, Chief Executive of Freebridge said: “The response for Love West Norfolk online and in the media has been overwhelmingly positive, hearing the experiences, reading the stories and seeing the photos from people in West Norfolk, and beyond, has done so much to reinforce our own view of this special corner of the world.

“We have ambitious plans for the future of this campaign and for our region. Thanks to the support we have received we can now take our findings forward.”

Throughout the campaign, a number of themes came out about why people Love West Norfolk. These were:

  • Big skies, open spaces, views;
  • Opportunity, potential, ambition, spirit, passion;
  • Beaches, countryside, towns;
  • The people;
  • Independent shops and markets.

These themes will now inform the next phase of the campaign which will continue to celebrate West Norfolk and promote the area regionally and nationally. Further details of how people and businesses can get involved in the next phase of Love West Norfolk will be announced soon.

To find out more or get involved, visit Twitter: @LoveWestNorfolk, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoveWestNorfolk/ Instagram: love_west_norfolk or the campaign website www.lovewestnorfolk.co.uk

Why We Love West Norfolk: some of the reasons people shared

“If Norfolk is the secret jewel of England, then West Norfolk is the secret jewel of Norfolk. Beauty, hills, character, glorious towns, villages and countryside, hills! country pubs, funny, fabulous people, hills! seaside, lavender, hills! Ok, I lied about the hills. But there are slopes and rises to the ground that almost amount to hills. Truly. – Stephen Fry

“‘Born, bred and brought up in West Norfolk. Love the accent, love the people, love the life in West Norfolk. Where else do you have better skies? Where else do the trees so adorn the horizon? Why else would my family have stayed for 800 years or more?!’” – James Bagge, former High Sheriff of Norfolk, currently Walking for Norfolk.

“West Norfolk is such a fantastic place to live. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be” – Sara Stephen.

“You can’t beat going down to Hunstanton on a summers day, it’s such a lovely seaside town, with the funky striped cliffs and friendly atmosphere, I always feel lucky to live so close!” – Livvi Hodges

People Share Their Reasons to Love West Norfolk

People in Hunstanton and King’s Lynn shared their reasons to love West Norfolk when the Love West Norfolk campaign went out and about.

In Hunstanton, on 27th March, town councillors got behind the campaign, explaining why they love West Norfolk. For Hunstanton’s Mayor, Cllr Adrian Winnington, it’s the ‘seaside, countryside and fantastic wildlife’ whilst Deputy Mayor Cllr Amanda Bosworth loves the ‘constantly changing sea and sky.’

Local businesses were also keen to get involved, as well as Hunstanton Library which has a Love West Norfolk themed display. And, members of the public shared their thoughts on what makes West Norfolk so special, including Mr and Mrs Cornwell who said: ‘Beautiful scenery, peace and quiet, friendly people, and not on the way to anywhere.’

Jo Maule, Locality Manager with Community Action Norfolk who was out and about in Hunstanton as part of Love West Norfolk said: “It was great to see the passion people have for the local area, whether they were born here or moved here, and how keen everyone is to share this with other parts of the country.”

Meanwhile the Vancouver Quarter played host to Love West Norfolk on 29th March when organisers got to meet shoppers and find out why they love West Norfolk. KL.FM also came along to find out people’s reasons for loving West Norfolk.

Amongst the reasons people shared were: ‘being by the sea’, ‘the history,’ and because it’s ‘compact, friendly and has everything you want’.

Season Lanckmans, Marketing Coordinator with the College of West Anglia, was part of the Love West Norfolk team meeting people in King’s Lynn. She said: “Love West Norfolk is not just about celebrating the area; it’s about the people who live here and call it home. Hearing and sharing their stories today has been a wonderful opportunity to find out what makes us different as individuals, but united as a community.”

Anyone who wants to share why they love West Norfolk can get involved online via:

West Norfolk Books to Love

West Norfolk has provided literary inspiration for a number of authors and to coincide with the launch of the The Norfolk Great Big Read, the local library team has recommended books which offer another reason to #lovewestnorfolk.

Alison Thorne, the Community Librarian in Dersingham, Hunstanton, and King’s Lynn Libraries is passionate about promoting local literary work. She said: “West Norfolk is not only home to a number of authors, it also provides the setting for gripping plotlines and interesting characters.

“The beautiful coast and countryside, and the bustling towns, can provide a fantastic setting to tell a compelling story. We are so proud of all the stories which writers share about our area.”

West Norfolk’s literary scene is busy with regular readings by well known local authors such as Elly Griffiths, and the King’s Lynn Literary Festival which takes place in March and boasts an impressive line-up.

The recommendations were made to coincide with the launch of The Norfolk Great Big Read which aims to encourage everyone to pick up a book, Kerry Murray, Library Locality Manager for West and North Norfolk said: “We have fantastic libraries over here in West Norfolk, they are great community resources. Not only do they encourage reading but they also allow people to connect and meet with others at the events we hold. Our libraries really are another reason to love West Norfolk.”

Alison’s personal recommendations of West Norfolk-based authors, or books set in the local area, are:

Elly Griffiths – The Crossing Places

First in the Ruth Galloway series all set in West Norfolk – tenth title came out in February.

When a child’s bones are found near an ancient site that archaeologist Ruth Galloway worked on ten years earlier, she is asked to date them. DCI Harry Nelson hopes they are the bones of a girl, Lucy, who’s been missing for ten years. When another girl goes missing, Nelson realises Ruth’s expert knowledge is putting her in danger.

Jim Kelly – Death Wore White

First in the Shaw and Valentine series set in West Norfolk

At 5.15 p.m. Harvey Ellis was trapped – stranded in a line of eight cars by a blizzard on a Norfolk coast road. At 8.15 p.m. Harvey Ellis was dead – viciously stabbed at the wheel of his truck. His killer has achieved the impossible: striking without being seen, and without leaving a single footprint in the snow. For DI Peter Shaw and DS George Valentine it’s only the start of an infuriating investigation. The crime scene is melting, the murderer has vanished, the witnesses are dropping like flies. And the body count is on the rise .

James Nicol – Apprentice Witch

Arianwyn fluffs her witch’s assessment – instead of qualifying, she’s declared an apprentice and sent to remote Lull in disgrace. Then her arch-enemy, mean girl Gimma, arrives on holiday determined to make her life a misery. But as a mysterious darkness begins to haunt her spells, Arianwyn realizes there’s much more than her pride at stake.

Stephen Fry – Hippopotamus

Ted Wallace is an old, sour, womanising, cantankerous, whisky-sodden beast of a failed poet and drama critic, but he has his faults too. Fired from his newspaper, months behind on his alimony payments and disgusted with a world that undervalues him, Ted seeks a few months repose and free drink at Swafford Hall, the country mansion of his old friend Lord Logan. But strange things have been going on at Swafford. Miracles. Healings. Phenomena beyond the comprehension of a mud-caked hippopotamus like Ted. With this funny and deliciously readable novel, Stephen Fry takes his place as one of the most talented comic novelists of his generation.

West Norfolk Students’ World-Changing Ideas

Schoolchildren from across West Norfolk had the opportunity to come up with world-changing ideas at a special event taking place as part of the Love West Norfolk campaign.

The event, which took place at Providence Street Community Centre on 13th March, was led by 7 Billion Ideas, an internationally known ideas company which inspires young people to think big and dream big.

Throughout the course of an action packed and fun day, the children were able to think entrepreneurially, brainstorming a vast array of ideas before developing a number of concepts. The years six, seven and eight students were then able to showcase their ideas, using posters and videos, to their teachers and representatives of the Love West Norfolk campaign.

David Harkin, CEO of 7 Billion Ideas said: “What an amazing day. The students of West Norfolk have truly demonstrated that they have amazing imaginations with the creation of their ideas which could change the world. Throughout the day the students created and then developed their ideas. They made posters, prototypes, jingles and presentations to help articulate their ideas. The level of innovation in the room was outstanding and West Norfolk should be excited to see the talent of the next generation of entrepreneurs in this region. It was a huge pleasure to be part of this event.”

The day took place as part of the Love West Norfolk campaign which aims to celebrate West Norfolk and increase pride in the local area. The event was supported by the College of West Anglia, one of the partners behind the Love West Norfolk campaign. David Pomfret, Principal, said: “CWA were delighted to support the West Norfolk Students’ World-Changing Ideas project led by 7 Billion Ideas.  This inclusive day brought young people together, untapped their creative talents and inspired them to aspire to great futures.”

The day was attended by students from Fairstead Primary School, Marshland High School, Springwood High School, and Eastgate Academy, amongst others.